Tuesday, 11 November 2014

November Meeting- Bramble and Wild

  7:30 Thursday 20th November is our next W.I. Meeting

The lovely ladies from Bramble & Wild are returning for another great workshop...hooray!

This time they will demonstrate how to make a Christmas wreath and then help us all to make a christmas jam jar arrangement.

Please bring your own jam jar or similar,  a pair of scissors and any greenery or bits & bobs you think could go into your arrangement.

If you have access to lots of greenery please consider bringing some for other people to share who may not have their own, thank you!

New members who join this month will be able to take advantage of the current membership offer which will mean you will have paid up until January 2016! Hurrah!

A reminder to our current members that membership is due for renewal for 2015, please bring a cheque to the next meeting

Hope to see you all there


As a reminder of our new location (since september) we now meet at
Frome Youth and Community Centre, Vallis Road, Frome, BA11 3EF

Post meeting update and photos:

We had a wonderful evening, very festive and all of us made brilliant jam jar arrangements, a taster of these is below, along with a group photo

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Summer Cheese & Wine Party

Frome WI's Fabulous Summer Party 

With sparklling wine on arrival and a fun wine tasting with 7 more wines from Yapp Brothers each paired with a complimentary cheese from Sagebury Cheese.

Music from Frome Ukulele Orchestra
Tasting note competitions and best cake competition.

Please bring your friends and family, member tickets are £5 and guests are £8, men welcome.

If you would like to enter the best cake competition, the wine is a red Côtes du Layon and there will be a prize for the best complimentary cake.

Buy your tickets now:

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Frome WI Sushi School Evening

We recently ran a poll to see if you would like to attend a Sushi School evening at Yo! Sushi in Bath for our May Meeting. We didn't get a lot of votes but those we did were resoundingly in favour. I have included the results below, if you click on the picture you can go to the results page for more information.
We have arranged then for a Sushi School evening on Thursday 15th May at Yo! Sushi restaurant in Milsom Place, Bath. However, we need you all to book in advance for this one before 1st May.

In the class you will:
  • Learn how to cook Japanese rice;
  • View a Fish Cutting demonstration;
  • Learn how to make different types of sushi: Maki, Mini ISO, Hand Roll, Nigiri & more

At the end of the class all participants will receive:
  • A Sushi School booklet containing a step by step guide to all recipes learnt that day;
  • A 25% off voucher to use on your next visit;
  • Certificate that confirms that you have completed the course;
  • A professional sushi rolling mat to get you started;
  • And finally you can enjoy the food that you have created
The cost is £20 for paid members of Frome WI or £25 for guests. (WI will pay £5 for members) You are most welcome to bring any friends male or female as guests.

You can book using the form below and pay the £5 deposit. We will collect the remaining amount on the evening.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Frome WI Programme 2014 plus April meeting, sushi vote, election & AGM, membership and promotion.

Sign up to our newsletter on the left to get this to your inbox monthly, or view the pretty version here

Programme 2014

United Reform Church Hall, Whittox Lane, Frome
3rd Thursday of every month 7.30pm

January 16th - Jennie Antell Eco Fitness
Outdoor Fitness & Smoothie Competition

February 20th - Emmie Simpson
Turn your craft hobby into a business and collage workshop

March 20th - Pippa Goldfinger
Women, Engineering and Architecture plus
Getting into local politics and quiz

April 17th - Millie Moon workshop
Make a spring bird

May 15th - TBC

June 19th - Bini
Indian cookery demonstration and tasting

July 17th - Summer Party
Wine and Cheese with Yapp Brothers and Sagebury Cheese. 8 wines with cheeses to match.
£5 members/£7 guests tickets on sale at the next meeting. All welcome including gentlemen.

August - No meeting

September 18th - Marmalade Yarns
Learn to crochet granny squares.
We'd like to put them all together and make a blanket.

October 16th - TBC
Something fun!

November 20th - Bramble & Wild
Make an advent wreath

Sunday December 7th - 10am - 2pm
Christmas Craft Fayre to coincide with
Frome Independent Markets in a town centre location tbc

Apologies for the delay in confirming a full programme for 2014. We did have most of the details arranged some time ago but had hoped to be able to finalise the last couple of meetings some time ago.

There are a couple of meetings we are still working on, one we need your help deciding upon and the other we will have finalised shortly.

May Meeting - Sushi School

The first thing we need is your vote on doing a Sushi Making Workshop at Yo Sushi in Bath for our May meeting. The cost would be £20 for members and £25 for guests, you would be welcome to bring male or female guests.

If we have 25 participants Yo Sushi will close the Bath restaurant to the public for our exclusive use. The evening would be a 2-3 hour workshop learning how to cook Japanese rice, a fish cutting demonstration and Sushi chefs helping us to prepare various different types of sushi including Maki, Mini ISO, Hand Roll, Nigiri & more. You then get to eat what you have made and anything left is yours to take home with you. You also get a recipe book about making sushi, a professional rolling mat, 25% discount voucher for your next visit and a certificate. We think it would be great fun, and offers good value for money.

AGM & Election

Also coming up is our AGM and election. As Storm, Laura and Emma have been the officers of the WI for two years now we would like to stand down from these positions and offer the opportunity to someone else. Remember, this is your WI and you can make a difference and get involved. We will also be looking for new committee members to help out with organising various things. None of the roles require any previous experience or a great deal of committment. The committee meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month to finalise details of meetings and discuss any other business. If you are interested in joining the committee or becoming and office please do join us at our April meeting on 10th April 7.30pm at The Cornerhouse.

There will be lots of help and support for those who take on the officer roles and Storm, Laura & Emma are all happy to continue to be committee members to ensure a smooth transition.

Membership Survey and Promotion

So far this year we have just over 30 paid up members. We have noticed this is a significant reduction in numbers from last year when we had over 50 members, although we have had several new ladies join us which is lovely. If you were previously a member of Frome WI and have not renewed we'd really love to know why, we've set up a simple survey (just 2 questions) and would really appreciate you completing it http://wifrome.polldaddy.com/s/former-member-survey

If you have not joined Frome WI we'd love your feedback too, so please do feel free to answer the survey, we welcome feedback as the WI is the sum of its members. You are always welcome to email us at wi.frome@gmail.com

As we have seen a reduction in numbers this year we would really like to promote the WI some more, if you have any ideas on how and where we could do this we'd love to hear them. The best promotion is recommendation so please do bring along your friends and relatives to our meetings so they can see what it is all about.

And finally... the WI magazine, WI Life are looking for stories to feature in the magazine. The sort of things they are looking for are

In the past we’ve visited various weird and wonderful festivals from pea and scarecrow to Victorian. We’ve gone worm charming, clay pigeon shooting and rush bearing. We know that WI members are always up to something a bit different and we want to be there to witness it so we can write about it! (Please give us plenty of notice so we can arrange time, travel and photographer).

If you or one of your members has a particularly unusual job, hobby or way of life, we’d love to hear from you for our ‘inspiring women’ page.

Great community projects or activities individual WI members, WIs or federations are involved in that can make a real difference, however small. Last year we reported on Saddleworth’s ‘Shop Local’ festival – a topic that became so big, saving our high street was voted on as a campaign.

Please email Liz Frost if you have any stories to tell L.Frost@nfwi.org.uk

We look forward to seeing you at our April meeting where Millie Moon Shop will be joining us to make the lovely spring birds pictured above. Thursday 17th April from 7.30pm

Storm, Laura, Emma and the rest of the committee

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

With the Country Living Spring Fair at the Business Design Centre, London, set to open next week, WI Enterprises is pleased to announce that a special late deal ticket offer has been arranged for WI members to attend which gives WI visitors two tickets for £12 when booking in advance (usually £13 each in advance and £16.50 on the door).

You can book online at www.countrylivingfair.com/spring or by calling 0844 848 0150 but remember to quote the special WI discount code which is WF241 (there is a booking fee of £1.50 per transaction, not per ticket).

After weeks of wet winter weather and the with things warming up a little, what a perfect treat for WI members to sample the delights of all the Country Living Spring Fair and make an outing of it with your fellow WI members. At these ticket prices why not?!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

This Thursday, Emmeline Simpson re-scheduled, plus, gardeners chance to be on TV

Don't forget we have re-scheduled the February meeting which will now take place this Thursday 27th February 2014 at the United Reformed Church Hall, Whittox Lane, Frome from 7.30pm.

Are you a keen kitchen gardener? Do you have an allotment? Would you like to be on TV?

Silver River Productions, a TV company based in London are currently in production for a BBC2 primetime gardening show ‘The Big Allotment Challenge’. The series follows a handful of talented amateur kitchen gardeners as they transform a plot of earth into a patch of beauty and reveal all the wonderful possibilities that can be unlocked from allotment growing. Kitchen gardening and growing your own produce is an amazing way to live and this series celebrates that.

They are looking for contestants to feature in the series, those who have the skill and dedication and who could dig their way to victory and be crowned the winner of The Big Allotment Challenge. People who can cultivate the perfect carrot, make their green tomatoes into award winning chutney and turn their dahlias and sweet peas into floral arrangements fit for a Queen. So whether you’re an allotment holder, a city living window box grower or a gardening enthusiast, we want to hear from you.

It couldn’t be easier to apply; all you need to do is email grow@silverriver.tv for an application form. Let's get Frome gardeners on TV!

We look forward to seeing you Thursday evening, please pass on this message to any WI friends you have.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

TONIGHT Thursday 20th February - Emmeline Simpson CANCELLED due to illness

Unfortunately we have to cancel tonight's meeting as Emmie is ill. We are able to re-schedule and the meeting will take place next Thursday 27th February 2014 at the United Reformed Church Hall, Whittox Lane, Frome from 7.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you next Thursday evening, please pass on this message to any WI friends you have.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Eco Fitness February Timetable

Hi, for all of those of you who were interested in Jennie from EcoFitness' classes, here is the February timetable. I'm do the Saturday morning class in the park and I'm off on this Sunday's 10 mile Nordic Walk in the New Forest if you want to go and hope to see a familiar face. Laura


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

This Thursday - Get outdoors: Jennie Antell from EcoFitness, Smoothie Competition, Membership fees

This Thursday - Get outdoors: Jennie Antell from EcoFitness, Smoothie Competition, Membership fees

Happy new year! We hope you had a fabulous Christmas and new year and haven't broken any resolutions yet. In keeping with resolutions we have a little motivating treat for January. The lovely Jennie from EcoFitness (http://www.ecofitness.co.uk/) is joining us.

Jennie does a range of fantastic outdoor exercise classes (I'm a little bit addicted to spinning outdoors!) and has lots of tips for getting out there yourself. We can all have a go (in the hall) so get yourself ready to try hula-hooping, nordic walking, the core challenge and more! 

We also have our fantastic healthy smoothie competition - bring along your favourite smoothie and the recipe. Everyone gets to taste and vote for their favourite. You could win a some lovely WI goodies. This month is free if you are a member or £3 for guests. Please do bring along any friends if you like. The committee are first on the refreshment rota this month. 

Membership fees for 2014 are due this month, please bring your cheque book or £34.70 cash. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening Storm, Laura, Emma and the rest of the committee

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