Frome WI has reached its first birthday! After a wonderful year it is time to hold our first Annual General Meeting. This gives our members the chance to see what we have been up to over the last year and look through the accounts.
We then vote on the officers and committee members for the next year. The officers hold the positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer and the committee is an additional 5 ladies.
We are always looking for willing volunteers to get involved with the FromeWI. So if you would like to have a say in the topics we cover at our meetings and help keep the WI running then it would be great to see you on the committee. The commitment is fairly minimal - one committee meeting a month (usually with wine!) and a few tasks in between the meetings. We totally bear in mind the fact that most people work, have children and busy lives so the committee work is shared and generally fairly small.
If you would like to join the committee please come along to our meeting this Thursday, or send us an email at
Along with looking at our branch, the AGM is a chance to discuss this year's resolution from the NFWI.
Millie Moon
Millie Moon, the gorgeous haberdashery and sewing school on Catherine Hill came along to our very first meeting and have been so supportive of the Frome Wi over the last year. To celebrate our first birthday we thought it would be great for Mille Moon to be our guests. This time they are going to show us how to do English paper piecing which is a skill that can be applied to lots of projects.
Don't be scared if, like a lot of us you've never even heard of English paper piecing - our meetings are always open to ladies of any skill level.
We really look forward to seeing you all there.
The meeting is £3 to for guests, or you can join for the year for £33.
As this meeting is a workshop there will be a small charge for materials (if you would like to bring your own please email us and we'll tell you what to bring).
On a personal note I would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last year - taken part as an officer, been on the committee, come to our meetings and been speakers - the Frome WI has been a wonderful thing, I've met lots of interesting and lovely people and learnt a lot. I have also eaten a lot of cake!
Storm Fagan
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