Evening ladies, the weather is rubbish and the nights are closing in. So to provide a little bit of festive cheer here are some dates for your diary:
Sunday 2nd December:
Frome Artisan Market
It's the last market of the year and we will be womanning our stall with lovely and reasonably priced refreshments. Please come and say hi if you are around on the day!
If you would like to help out either by baking for the market or helping out on the stall on the day then please email us wi.frome@gmail.com
Thursday 6th December:
Frome WI Christmas fair
We are so excited about our Christmas fair! Ladies from the WI will be selling their wares, the choir will be singing some festive tunes and we will be serving tasty, nutritious (not really) and delicious (definitely) festive food and drink.
We will also be having a raffle and we have some really lovely prizes already to give away.
Please also invite any non-WIers (including men!) along for a bit of lovely local Christmas shopping.
For more information please visit the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/347202558708339/
Or email us at wi.frome@gmail.com
Thursday 20th December:
WI December meeting
This will be our final meeting of 2012 and we're planning a Christmas party!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Green fingered joy
Hello Ladies!
Well, another month on and what to do with your slightly chapped and chilly green fingers?!
The weather won’t be very enticing out there but thankfully there is still much fun to be had with growing under cover.
I’ve been asked to focus on what we can all grow in our own homes, without the aid of a greenhouse (or safety net!), so thought I’d introduce you to Microgreens this month, if you have not already discovered these small but highly tasty and nutritious little gems.
Quick and easy to grow, ready in just one week, they are great for bringing life to all kinds of dishes, salads, soups and sandwiches. River Cottage chefs are in awe of them and grow them throughout the year.
Grown in a similar way to cress, they can be sprinkled on the top of wet compost in a plastic tray, placed on a sunny window sill or in a conservatory. Keep moist and then harvest with scissors when the stems reach about 4cm high. I actually use a half pipe of guttering as a container, just fill to ¾ of the height of the guttering and leave an inch of pipe clear of soil at each end to allow any excess water run off.
Available from Suttons, priced around £2.35 per pack, you can grow these seeds all year around and I can personally recommend their Rocket Victoria, Basil Dark Opal and Broccoli varieties. All have an intense flavour to them so you only need a small handful to really add flavour to your dishes.

Also look out for a variety of winter salad leaves that can be sown inside and some hardy ones that can still be sown outside if you cover with horticulture fleece or a cloche.
Celery can be sown (in a heated greenhouse or on a warm sunny windowsill) for harvesting later in May.
December doesn’t have to be a completely dull month in the garden. If you’re looking for a hint of colour or maybe a nice festive present for a gardener, then there are still a number of shrubs and plants that can be grown and will flower even in this icy month! You might like to look out for Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’, Clematis cirrhosa ‘Freckles’, Helleborus niger ‘Christmas Rose’ ornamental cabbages and kales.
Buy or cut festive favourites such as mistletoe and holly as late as possible. When you’re ready to use them indoors, cut about an inch off of the stems then dip the tip of the stem into boiling water for about 20 seconds or so before standing in cold water overnight in a cool dark room – this will help maximise vase life / decoration life.
The end of the year is also a good time to get out on a dry day and repair fences and woodwork behind large shrubs and trees as access is much easier when the leaves are down and the plants are dormant. All that effort and banging around should keep you warm!
If you’re not composting your garden waste, do have a good poke around and check beneath any prepared bonfires as frogs, toads and hedgehogs all like to hibernate under nice piles of leaves and branches.
If we’re lucky enough for some of the glistening pretty white stuff later on and it’s a heavy fall, then It’s worth clearing off the worst from tops of hedges and conifers as the sheer weight can easily snap off large branches.
Remove pumps from ponds before severe frosts start. A useful tip for ponds and bird baths is to place a ping pong ball directly into the water as this stops it from freezing over owing to the constant movement of it being blown around.
Bulbs and bare rooted trees, shrubs and perennials can still be planted now whilst they’re dormant.
Lots of apples left over...?? See the recipe below for some much needed comfort eating in the warm!

If you’re looking to really get stuck into some veg growing next year or are after a last minute garden gift idea, I can recommend the River Cottage Courses (although pricey, they are good fun and you can sometimes get a good discounted deal via their Axminster Cafe) – see www.rivercottage.co.uk. Rocket Gardens also do some fab organic plug plant instant gardens which I’ve been buying for several years, with great success and taste – see www.rocketgardens.co.uk. I was also lucky enough to attend a ‘No Dig’ talk by Charles Dowding recently and would recommend his day courses – see www.charlesdowding.co.uk.
Interesting Fact
Trees are the longest living organisms on the earth
Stourhead Gardens (National Trust) are definitely worth a visit in November – please see http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/stourhead/. The tree colours can be absolutely amazing there. Just try and get a visit in before the winter gales hit so you benefit from seeing the leaves still on the trees, as opposed to on the ground! My recommendation is to enter the lake via the gardens (as the former house owners had designed that pathway purposely), that way you benefit from some excellent views across the lake as the gardens are positioned higher up.
Until next time.... happy gardening :>)
Well, another month on and what to do with your slightly chapped and chilly green fingers?!
The weather won’t be very enticing out there but thankfully there is still much fun to be had with growing under cover.
I’ve been asked to focus on what we can all grow in our own homes, without the aid of a greenhouse (or safety net!), so thought I’d introduce you to Microgreens this month, if you have not already discovered these small but highly tasty and nutritious little gems.
Quick and easy to grow, ready in just one week, they are great for bringing life to all kinds of dishes, salads, soups and sandwiches. River Cottage chefs are in awe of them and grow them throughout the year.
Grown in a similar way to cress, they can be sprinkled on the top of wet compost in a plastic tray, placed on a sunny window sill or in a conservatory. Keep moist and then harvest with scissors when the stems reach about 4cm high. I actually use a half pipe of guttering as a container, just fill to ¾ of the height of the guttering and leave an inch of pipe clear of soil at each end to allow any excess water run off.
Available from Suttons, priced around £2.35 per pack, you can grow these seeds all year around and I can personally recommend their Rocket Victoria, Basil Dark Opal and Broccoli varieties. All have an intense flavour to them so you only need a small handful to really add flavour to your dishes.

Also look out for a variety of winter salad leaves that can be sown inside and some hardy ones that can still be sown outside if you cover with horticulture fleece or a cloche.
Celery can be sown (in a heated greenhouse or on a warm sunny windowsill) for harvesting later in May.
December doesn’t have to be a completely dull month in the garden. If you’re looking for a hint of colour or maybe a nice festive present for a gardener, then there are still a number of shrubs and plants that can be grown and will flower even in this icy month! You might like to look out for Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’, Clematis cirrhosa ‘Freckles’, Helleborus niger ‘Christmas Rose’ ornamental cabbages and kales.
Buy or cut festive favourites such as mistletoe and holly as late as possible. When you’re ready to use them indoors, cut about an inch off of the stems then dip the tip of the stem into boiling water for about 20 seconds or so before standing in cold water overnight in a cool dark room – this will help maximise vase life / decoration life.
The end of the year is also a good time to get out on a dry day and repair fences and woodwork behind large shrubs and trees as access is much easier when the leaves are down and the plants are dormant. All that effort and banging around should keep you warm!
If you’re not composting your garden waste, do have a good poke around and check beneath any prepared bonfires as frogs, toads and hedgehogs all like to hibernate under nice piles of leaves and branches.
If we’re lucky enough for some of the glistening pretty white stuff later on and it’s a heavy fall, then It’s worth clearing off the worst from tops of hedges and conifers as the sheer weight can easily snap off large branches.
Remove pumps from ponds before severe frosts start. A useful tip for ponds and bird baths is to place a ping pong ball directly into the water as this stops it from freezing over owing to the constant movement of it being blown around.
Bulbs and bare rooted trees, shrubs and perennials can still be planted now whilst they’re dormant.
Lots of apples left over...?? See the recipe below for some much needed comfort eating in the warm!

If you’re looking to really get stuck into some veg growing next year or are after a last minute garden gift idea, I can recommend the River Cottage Courses (although pricey, they are good fun and you can sometimes get a good discounted deal via their Axminster Cafe) – see www.rivercottage.co.uk. Rocket Gardens also do some fab organic plug plant instant gardens which I’ve been buying for several years, with great success and taste – see www.rocketgardens.co.uk. I was also lucky enough to attend a ‘No Dig’ talk by Charles Dowding recently and would recommend his day courses – see www.charlesdowding.co.uk.
Interesting Fact
Trees are the longest living organisms on the earth
Stourhead Gardens (National Trust) are definitely worth a visit in November – please see http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/stourhead/. The tree colours can be absolutely amazing there. Just try and get a visit in before the winter gales hit so you benefit from seeing the leaves still on the trees, as opposed to on the ground! My recommendation is to enter the lake via the gardens (as the former house owners had designed that pathway purposely), that way you benefit from some excellent views across the lake as the gardens are positioned higher up.
Until next time.... happy gardening :>)
Our questions for...
Regular WIer and mother of two, Fiona is a local birth worker supporting women and families before, during and after childbirth.
She is passionate about supporting women in their choices around birth and has kindly answered some of our questions.
Q: I have heard the term doula but am not really sure what this is, please could you tell me more?
A: The term ‘doula’ comes from a Greek word meaning ‘woman servant or caregiver’. A doula’s role is to support the mother during her pregnancy, birth and early postnatal period with practical and emotional support – this ‘mothering the mother’ will help support the whole family. Traditionally, the women supporting a mother during birth would be members of her family or friends, but these days we tend to live separated from our loved ones, and we have lost that circle of support. Doulas fill that gap.
Q: Why did you decide to become a doula?
A: I’ve been involved in women’s health for about 20 years. My own journey with supporting women began when I first fell pregnant when I was 19. I unfortunately lost my baby, and I started looking into healing myself with traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, yoga, and Ayurvedic medicine. I studied Shiatsu and acupuncture, and worked in drug and alcohol services for a while and supported women who were in recovery during their pregnancies. A Shiatsu friend and colleague of mine asked me to be at the birth of her first child, so I did a post graduate diploma in Shiatsu in maternity care with Suzanne Yates. This deepened my knowledge of women’s health and birth, and I was very privileged to support my friend through her birth. She had a long labour, but said that the only pain relief she needed was my support and the massage of certain acupuncture points. I was hooked! The moment that my friend and her baby looked into each other’s eyes was just magical, and I knew that supporting women and babies is what I am meant to do with the rest of my life. It’s my calling and my deepest joy.
Q: What sort of training do you have to do to become a doula?
A: There are several training courses here in the UK that are recognised by Doula UK, the voluntary umbrella organisation for doulas. Learning doesn’t stop there; it’s a lifelong process of self development, debriefing, and staying well informed about women and children’s health.
After a new doula has completed her course work with one of Doula UK's Recognised courses, she then works with a personal Doula Mentor through a process that involves reflection and supplying documentation to support her experiences as a doula over a period of not less than 6 months and preferably not more than 2 years. This then leads to a formal assessment interview with the Doula Mentor before the doula herself is Recognised. A minimum of 4 birth and/or postnatal experience records are submitted for review by the Doula Mentor during the process.
A condition of Doula UK membership includes a commitment to life-long learning and continuing personal/professional development.
Q: How do you work with midwives/HCP/the families during labour?
A: The relationship with the mother begins during pregnancy. It’s important that the family trust and feel comfortable with the people that will support them during the birth, so I meet the mother regularly during pregnancy to start building a relationship. I am also available for her to call or email with any questions that she may have. The parents and I usually meet up for birth preparation sessions about how to be actively involved in the birth process, and I will share with them some tools for how the birth partner can support and assist the labouring mother. These sessions may include simple Shiatsu techniques, acupressure points for pain relief, birth positions, themes from Active Birth, breathing and visualisation, and techniques from Birthing from Within (a wonderful book by Pam England) such as using art to explore feelings and ideas around birth. Themes that can be discussed during these antenatal sessions include homebirth / waterbirth, breech / optimal foetal positioning, vaginal birth after a previous caesarean (VBAC), how to have a positive caesarean, pregnancy loss and grief, and previous birth experiences.
For the birth itself, the mother calls me when labour has started, and I go to her home or the hospital when she feels like she needs me to be there. It’s important not to go too early as it may interfere with the flow of hormones during early labour as women generally need privacy during early labour. I do whatever the mother needs me to do, and that may include massage, fetching food or drinks, helping with the birth pool etc.
Midwives that I have worked with have said that they appreciated having an extra pair of hands to help out, and felt that I was an extra support for the whole family. Midwives are often so overstretched these days that they don’t have time to do the things that they’d like to do to support women, which is a real shame. I see it as my role to help hold a peaceful space, so will work towards building a good relationship with the midwives or family members, and that may involve anything from making tea to quietly explaining the massage I give or the homeopathy that the mother has requested. Sometimes fathers need some extra support too, and I do my best to ensure that he feels comfortable and empowered in order to better support his partner.
Q: How do you think the lack of midwives is affecting women in the UK? Do you have practical experience of this?
A: There are many women wanting to study midwifery, but there are comparatively few university places.
Studies have shown that caseload midwifery (where the midwife’s care is centred around the woman rather than being attached to a hospital, and the mother is more likely to know the midwife that attends her during labour) leads to more ‘normal’ births.
Caseload Midwifery, A Review; Andrews S, Brown L, Bowman L, Price L and Taylor R.
I was lucky when I had my children that I saw the same NHS midwife throughout my pregnancy, and she also came to my home for their births. Unfortunately this isn’t the case for most women. It can be difficult to build trust during labour with a midwife if the mother has never met them before.
Many women who have chosen to birth their babies at home have also been told that there aren’t enough midwives to enable that to happen, and are encouraged to go in to hospital.
I have supported women in various hospitals when the labour ward was extremely busy, and I have seen how stretched the midwifery team were. It affects the mothers as they tend to not get the support from the midwives that they would have liked due to time constraints, and that’s of detriment to both the families and the midwifery team.
Q: Childbirth seems to be such a political thing at the moment ('natural' vs 'unnatural' birth, formula vs breast feeding etc) - how do you stay neutral when working with women?
A: The role of a doula is to support women, whatever their choices are. I don’t make judgments on the choices that other people make, as pregnancy, birth and mothering is such an individual path. My role is to support and pass on information to women so that they can make informed choices about their care. As a doula, its vital to debrief regularly with a mentor to help talk through any personal difficulties that may arise from supporting women with different viewpoints, or after a challenging birth. This enables us to let go of our own experiences and opinions to be able to fully support women and their choices.
Q: Are doulas used in other countries? For example, countries with higher home birth rates, is this because they use doulas to supplement midwives or just that they have more midwives generally?
A: Yes. Doulas are found in most places around the world, although they might not be called ‘doulas’. For example, in Mexico the rural areas are still quite traditional, and therefore doulas are used to support mothers, but its not a profession that is recognised as such; it’s just what women do, support other women in their community.
In my research into the origins of belly dance, I found out that in the Middle East and North Africa women traditionally gathered around a birthing woman from their community, and danced certain movements to encourage the mother to do the same to help ease the sensations of the contractions and to help facilitate the birth. How wonderful to have the choice of a whole community of dancing doulas!
The Netherlands has a good model of support with it’s medical service for new mothers. A maternity nurse or health professional comes to the mother’s home to help support her with the early days of looking after the baby, and to make sure that the mother recovers properly after the birth.
Q: My impression of doulas is that they are for women who are a bit hippyish, although this is not based on any experience! Can all women use a doula during birth?
A: All women can use doulas, we’re not just for hippies. ;)
Doulas come in all shapes and sizes, there is a doula for every woman! Every woman deserves to be empowered and nurtured.
Q: What do you think of One Born Every Minute? It seems to have made birth more acceptable to talk about but to be honest it terrifies me and I'm done having children years ago!
A: I find that One Born Every Minute tends to portray birth as fearful and a medical procedure, and this can make women fearful. Birth is a normal physiological event (although it does need assistance sometimes), and this sort of show perpetuates the idea portrayed by the media that birth is something to be afraid of. It is known that when women are fearful, their birthing hormones can’t flow properly, and this can interfere with labour. A labouring woman’s hormones flow much more effectively when she feels safe, so women need to be in the place where they feel safest to give birth - for some women that will be hospital, for other women that will be at home.
Of course, some women will need extra assistance at times, and so I’m thankful for the full range of obstetrical medicine that is available here in the UK, but we need to get the word out to all women that birth is a normal event. When women understand the normal physiological process of birth, and just how amazing their bodies are and what they are capable of, they usually feel more confident in their ability to birth, and are better able to make informed choices about their care. It’s so important that women know their rights around birth so that they can make truly informed choices.
Q: And a question we ask everyone - what's your favourite cake!
A: Raw chocolate cheesecake!
Fiona Willis
Shiatsu practitioner, doula, childbirth educator and belly dance teacher.
October meeting with pictures
The October meeting was themed around Birth and Booze.
This year the NFWI (National Federation of Women's Institutes) voted in a resolution to campaign for more midwives. For more information on the national campaign please visit the website.
Kaz Woodbury, a birth worker and trainee ante natal teacher from Frome NCT talked to us about the importance of this campaign and how crucial midwives are to women's experience in childbirth.
Joy Horner, a local midwife, then talked to us about her experiences as a midwife both in the NHS and working independently.

Joy and Kaz both talked passionately and articulately about this issue which has an impact on so many women.
We then moved on to a little light refreshment with Gareth and Vicky from Great Western Wine who talked us through a very interesting and educational wine tasting!

Along with Paul from Sagebury Cheese on Cheap Street who brought along some amazing cheeses to try.

As always the cake table was absolutely amazing.

Thank you to our wonderful speakers the evening was jam packed with so much information.
Thank you to everyone who came, brought cakes, donated to refreshments.
And thank you to everyone who has joined up for next year!
This year the NFWI (National Federation of Women's Institutes) voted in a resolution to campaign for more midwives. For more information on the national campaign please visit the website.
Kaz Woodbury, a birth worker and trainee ante natal teacher from Frome NCT talked to us about the importance of this campaign and how crucial midwives are to women's experience in childbirth.
Joy Horner, a local midwife, then talked to us about her experiences as a midwife both in the NHS and working independently.

Joy and Kaz both talked passionately and articulately about this issue which has an impact on so many women.
We then moved on to a little light refreshment with Gareth and Vicky from Great Western Wine who talked us through a very interesting and educational wine tasting!

Along with Paul from Sagebury Cheese on Cheap Street who brought along some amazing cheeses to try.

As always the cake table was absolutely amazing.

Thank you to our wonderful speakers the evening was jam packed with so much information.
Thank you to everyone who came, brought cakes, donated to refreshments.
And thank you to everyone who has joined up for next year!
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