First Grace demonstrated how to create a loose, natural looking posy. She started with showing us how to choose and cut the flowers.

Then moved on to gathering the flowers together - a tricky technique (that she made look really easy!) to ensure the stems all twist in the same direction.

The end result was a beautiful, effortless looking posy.

Then it was our turn...

Some ladies brought beautiful flowers from their own gardens.

And Bramble and Wild supplied really beautiful blooms for the less florally fortunate of us to use.
Rose 'Memory Lane'
Alchemilla Mollis

By the end of the evening the hall was filled with lovely looking jam jars.

And the cake table was, frankly, spectacular as always.

Thank you to Bramble and Wild for a lovely and very interesting evening. I think we all have a new respect for the art of floristry! And thanks to all the ladies who came, made posies, baked cakes and donated to refreshments.
In September's meeting we will be hosting Marmelade Yarns for stitching and bitching at all levels. More details to follow...